Six Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m.
February 11 and 25, March 11 and 25, April 8 and 29
This series will suit fiction and nonfiction writers with a manuscript well underway—and in need of a kickstart through topical discussion, exercises, collegial input and a structured schedule. There will be readings to spark discussion, and participants must submit 1200 words from their current project and details about their writing challenges.
The overarching workshop goal is for you to generate new material bi-weekly; and share writing and skill development with peers. The instructors will build a file of your new writing, as you strive to add several new chapters to an in-process draft.
The six sessions will alternate between facilitated peer critique and instruction, covering topics such as: the shapely story, live-wire characters, self-editing and revisions, satisfying beginnings, middles and ends, and publishing options. Instructors will provide detailed feedback for at least one of your writing submissions.
Please pre-order Imaginative Writing, The Elements of Craft, Janet Burroway. Used copies are available online through ABE Books.
Visit Bringing Stories to Life to register.