Story Sources

"The Chief of the Well": Harold Courlander, The Piece of Fire and Other Haitian Tales (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, inc., 1964).

"The Origin of Different Water Animals": John Elder and Hertha D. Wong, ed. Family of Earth and Sky: Indigenous Tales of Nature from Around the World (Boston: Beacon Press, c 1994).

"A Blind Man Catches a Bird", an Ndebele tale, retold by Margaret Read MacDonald in Peace Tales: World Tales to Talk About (Little Rock, Arkansas: August House Publishers, 2005).

"The Clever Sheikh of the Butana": The Clever Sheikh of the Butana and Other Stories: Sudanese Folktales, retold by Ali Lutfi Abdallah (New York: Interlink Books, 1999).