Tending the Spark: Mindfulness and the Creative Life

Now is the time to discover your unique perspective on life.


How does a practice of mindfulness support the flowering of a creative life?

Each class in this six-week series will include opportunities for mindfulness practice as well as short exercises and discussions designed to spark creative thinking. Please bring a journal to write in or a sketchbook. If there is a creative project you are engaged in, this class offers the opportunity to honour your intention, clarify your vision, and support the daily efforts needed to take it forward. If your creative project is simply the life you are living, this class is also for you. By making space in our lives to sit quietly and connect with our own hearts and minds, we uncover the rich potential we each have to transform our vision of what this life is all about.

The Sufi poet, known as Rumi, wrote: "Work in the invisible world as much as you do in the visible." As we begin "tending the spark," we will reflect on the notion of preparing the ground for creative practice. What is this "work before the work"?

How does mindfulness prepare us for living with an open heart and a perceptive mind, alive to possibility, alert to the preciousness of this human life?

Over the course of six weeks, we will explore the notion of attentiveness and the idea of “self-knowing”. By honouring our experience in every domain of life, we begin to see our lives as a creative unfolding.

As our work deepens, we will investigate the pathways of intuition, curiosity, and wonder. How is curiosity an attitude of mind that can be cultivated? What is the place of wonder in our lives? 

The timelessness of creative flow begins with deep attentiveness, develops into appreciation and wonder, and expresses itself as a unique gift to the world.

Margo McLoughlin is a Victoria storyteller, writer and meditation teacher. She holds a Master of Fine Arts from Vermont College and a Master of Divinity from the Harvard Divinity School. She has also trained as a Community Dharma Leader program at Spirit Rock Meditation Centre. She offers retreats and classes through the Victoria Insight Meditation Society.


Just LOVING this course... finding it so inspiring and connective... and finding so much appreciation and admiration for your simply incredible ability to deeply listen to and hear the participants and weave our words into a beautiful tapestry that binds us all together...

Course participant, Spring 2020

New Dates: 

Six Wednesdays, beginning March 24, 2021

4:30 - 6 p.m. Pacific (7:30 - 9 p.m. Eastern)

Location: online

Registration Fee: $60 - $120 sliding scale, or by donation

​To register: Please send an e-mail to Jamin (jamin.huntley@gmail.com) with "Tending the Spark" in the subject line.